Whether you’re an ECT, an overseas qualified teacher or an experienced teacher, job interviews can be daunting. Knowing what to expect will help you prepare for the day. Each school is unique and may have a different approach or requirement of you on the day but having an idea of what may come will help you feel confident to smash it!
Permanent and long-term job interviews may look slightly different from one another, so know what you’re applying for and what you need to prepare.
Permanent Teaching Post
- Tour – If you’ve not visited the school in advance, you might be offered a tour– this is a good time to ask a few questions or to store them ready for after your interview.
- Lesson Activity – You may be given an outline of what they want you to teach e.g. a 30-minute Maths lesson on Times Tables for Year 4.
This period tends to be short, around 30 minutes. It’s an opportunity to show your personality while clearly demonstrating what the learning intention is. Your observers will also be watching closely how you interact with the children, getting a glimpse of what you’re like as a teacher. - Interview – Your interview will be with members of SLT (Senior Leadership Team) and a member of governing body. Be aware of what sort of questions you’ll be asked. Here are some ideas of questions:
There will DEFINITELY be a safeguarding question! Generally, it’s a scenario question.
What is your behaviour management style?
What’s your teaching philosophy/ moral purpose?
Why did you choose to apply to our school? Or if it’s through an agency, why did you accept to interview at our school? - Questions – What questions do you have for then? Have 1 or 2 questions prepared, you need to know about the school top, use those questions you stored up from your tour!
- Written task – Not every school does this but it’s good to know that it could well come up. It could be a grammar test, marking work or writing a short passage on what makes a great teacher. Trust yourself and try not to get panicked by this.
Long-Term Teaching Post
For a long-term role e.g. maternity cover/ long-term supply, you’ll generally be asked to do a trial day. You will mainly be observed in how you interact with the children.
- Lesson Activity – You may be asked to prepare an activity/ lesson like a permanent role. Alternately you’ll be asked to follow the given lesson plans for the day, similar to a day of supply – you’d be observed at different points of the day.
- Interview – The interview will be with members of SLT. You’ll be asked questions around safeguarding and what you’ll bring to the role. Be ready for standard interview questions.
For advice on how to prepare for your interview, look at our Blog post on Top Tips for Smashing your Interview. Prepare and be confident in yourself. You’ve got this!